How to have a green vacation in Asia
Top Destinations and sustainable projects, Asia
The Province of Kampong Thom, located in the north of Cambodia is main part of a project by the Ministry of Water Ressources & Meterology, which could bring full irrigation up to approximately 12.000 ha, because of constructed main drains and cross drainage facilities as well as reconstructed hydraulic structures.The outstanding part of the project is the opportunity for local farmers to participate in decision-making.
UAE - Dubai
Since Dubai is not the first city that comes to one's mind in case of sustainability, the authorities started to focus on sustainable projects more than anywhere else. The so called "sustainable city" in Dubai will provide a unique and healthy lifestyle combined with a great health and education system as well as activities for leisure and entertainment by using renewable energy only.
The famous sustainable fisheries project in Indonesia will apply an ecosystem-basedapproachto management (EBM) towards reforming fisheries management. The aim is to improve marine and sustainable fisheries governance; and promote marine protectedareasto enhance fisheries productivity. It supports theconservation of marine biodiversity and the improved governance of marine resources at local, district, provincial, and national levels in Indonesia.
Altough there are many projects on several islands to move sustainable tourism forward, the maldivian authorities published a plan called 'vision 2020' to bring up a new health care system that finally allows all citizens to use medical supplies.
the so called Muscat wastewater project (estimated year of completion is 2017) leads to one of the largest membrane bioreactor (MBR) plant in the world which will deliver 53.000 m³ clean water per day.
Sri Lanka
Between 2011 and 2012, many primary and secondary schools in the poorest districts of Sri Lanka have been renovated, which included the construction of new buildings, additional classrooms and toilet facilities. The project was funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), at the request of the Sri Lankan Ministry of Education. Around 7.000 children are benefiting from the renovated schools and the better and easier access to education in the region.
The "Power of Wisdom" project started with the aim toencourage people in all communities to adopt a lifestyle balanced by self-sufficiency. The principles of “sufficiency economy” provide for living with long-lasting happiness. Questions like“Why are farmers, the majority of the Thai population, still poor and continually exploited?" were discussed and ended up intraining leaders who can help their communities to undertake their own development initiatives.
The agriculture project in Thanh Hoa, a north-eastern province in Vietname that includes an area of 23.000 km² and 53 small villages is located on steep slopes. The village population, consisting of Thai and Muong minority, do live below the breadline. Due to the education situation they only have a low level of knowledge about how to use the steep sloves agricultural. The project ensures that locals learn how to use them and how to protect the environment with the help of permanent planting.