Operation Smile Vietnam
On the 18th August, the hosts, the management together with some in-house guests of Six Senses Ninh Van Bay opted to visit the Anh Dao Open Home in Ninh Xuan village for donating the charity.
Anh Dao Open Home currently has fifty five children of different ages from one month old babies to those attending colleges and universities, and in addition to that some disabled people. The orphans come from poor families with dead, disabled or homeless parents.
The Open Home receives supports from donations of all kinds to cover all basic needs and schooling for the children. The team from Six Senses Ninh Van Bay brought food and helped repair a pillar of the storage house.
We also provided a blackboard for the children’s learning purpose. The children greet and give thanks. They smile and sing all the time as if their world is going bright ahead. It is significant that our guests participated in the trip.
“This visit is a meaningful contribution which helps parentless children to partly realize their dreams for better life and education.”