Green Recipes from our Green Kitchen Party
Even two weeks after our Green Kitchen Party, we all are marvelling over all the yummy ingredients that our participating partners brought with them. It showed us once more, how extraordinary fascinating the kitchens of our partners are and which fantastic stories lay behind individual dishes.
Exemplary, I will show you three dishes that were made at the Green Kitchen Party – with the green recipes to go along. I wish you lots of fun cooking and especially enjoying it!
Pineapple-Coconut-Mint Drink
Behind this drink is Pu from The Tongsai Bay – the “juice lady“, who greets everyone just lovely and with a big smile every morning. Her philosophy: local, fresh fruits put a smile on everyones face and ensure a perfect start into the day. This Pineapple-Coconut-Mint drink is not only perfect for breakfast, but also ideal for the summer!
50g fresh coconut
150g coconut juice
100g pineapple
12 pieces mint
Blend all together and serve in a coconut.
Hollyhocks Sheep’s Milk Cheese Creme
At Hotel HUBERTUS, the own well-being is very important. There, the in-house cuisine has the approach that everyone should act on their own responsibility and everyone decides himself, what should be on his plate. A well-balanced diet thereby is exactly as important as the freedom to choose. As a part of the fingerfood offerings, the hollyhocks sheep’s milk cheese creme was a highlight for all. Hollyhocks is known for its detoxifying and purging effect and is also supposed to be aphrodizing!
1. Cook 400g dried hollyhocks (full plant) with each a piece of onion and garlic and 700ml of water for 2 hours.
2. Heat up olive oil, mix in turmeric, fennel and fenugreek seeds and add 100cl vegetable broth.
3. Mix in 450g feta cheese (from sheep’s milk) and 500ml vegetable broth.
4. Add 200ml creme and let it simmer under constant stirring so that no clumps develop.
5. Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to taste.
Game meat ragout
The protagonist of the third course came from Berchtesgaden from Berghotel Rehlegg. A traditional game meat Ragout showed once more, how important species-appropriate farming is and that it is reflected in taste. Local and seasonal food are close to Berghotel Rehlegg’s heart and owner Franz Lichtmanegger let us know during the event that especially their eco-friendly approach is an important factor why guests chose Berghotel Rehlegg for a trip to the Berchtesgaden area.
Ingredients for the ragout:
800g game meat
500ml red wine
1 tsp tomato paste
1L light beef broth
1 onion
1 carrot
3 tbsp lingonberry jamFor the herb bag:
2 cloves, 4 juniper berries, 6 peppercorns, 1 bayleaf, rosemary
Cut meat, onion, carrot in fine squares.
Prepare the herb bag.
Gently roast meat in a large, flat pot and slowly add onion, carrot and deglaze with red wine and lingonberry jam. Fill up with beef broth and the herb bag, cook tender for about 60 minutes.