Adventures on your doorstep: a night on the shore of the Baltic Sea
Do you think vacations in Germany are boring? Quite the contrary: a vacation around the corner can also be full of adventures and will certainly surprise you – and at the same time, it is good for the climate. How about discovering Germany from a new perspective? This is the goal of the Katzensprung project: It awarded 50 unusual and climate-friendly travel opportunities in Germany aimed specifically at young people. By the way, translated literally, Katzensprung means “leap of a cat” and is used in the sense of “a stone’s throw away”. If you are curious about the kinds of adventures you can have in Germany: The project will soon present the winners of the competition on its website. And we present you one of them today: the Green Pearls® partner hotel SAND.

Sleeping under the stars
Are you dreaming of spending a night by the sea, listening to the sound of the waves and falling asleep under the stars? This is the highlight of the travel opportunity offered by Lifestylehotel SAND: you spend a night in a special sleeping beach chair, being close to the beach and the waves of the Baltic Sea. During the day, you can explore the nature in and around the town of Timmendorfer Strand and enjoy the fresh sea breeze, for example on a sustainable bamboo bicycle produced by the hotel’s partner my Boo.

Sand, beach and sea
During your stay, you will not only experience nature on the beach, but at the hotel as well. The furniture is made of recycled teakwood and guests sleep on natural beds made by COCO-MAT. Some of the accessories in the rooms are even made from flotsam – a very special way of upcycling! By the way, the underlying philosophy, doing good within and with nature, has also inspired the name of the hotel SAND: (S) Sustainability (A) Aspires (N) Natural (D) Design.

Good for the climate, good for your wellbeing
The sustainable principles of the hotel SAND have been laid down in a statement of compliance with the German sustainability code. In addition to environmentally friendly materials or solar-energy based water heating, food plays an important role in this context. By mainly using local, seasonal and organic products, the hotel makes a further contribution to climate protection – at the same time ensuring their guests culinary delights. By the way, the delicious regional dishes are prepared according to the Mood Food principle and therefore will make you happy in two ways at once. The perfect place to spend a very special holiday and feel completely comfortable.