by Hanna, on
Für saubere Meere und Küsten – Thailands Engagement für den Umweltschutz Über einige Probleme des Ozeans haben wir erst vor Kurzem in einem Blogartikel geschrieben. Damals ging es um das neu eröffnete Gili ... More
by Hanna, on
Clean oceans and coastlines – Thailands engagement for environment protection In one of our previous posts we highlighted some of the oceans’ problems and introduced you to the newly opened Gili Veshi ... More
by Katja Gutschmidt, on
Making of – Video shooting on the beautiful island of Juist It’s 6.30 pm and we’re on board of the ferry to Juist. In bright sunshine Captain Laupichler welcomes us on board. Pascal and ... More
by Hanna, on
Albergo Diffuso – feeling at home on vacation Going far away from home, seeing something entirely different and relaxing whilst at the same time feeling at home - this meets ... More
by Hanna, on
Romantic traveling around the world: 5 green pearls for couples With your favorite person by your side it’s beautiful wherever you are. Nevertheless we show you five places to spend a romantic ... More
by Hanna, on
Must-haves für den nachhaltigen Sommerurlaub Neue Länder entdecken, Einheimische und ihre Kultur kennenlernen und inmitten spektakulärer Natur sein… das alles lässt uns unsere Koffer packen, auf der ... More
by Hanna, on
Must-haves for your sustainable summer vacation Traveling keeps on being popular: exploring different countries, getting in touch with locals, experiencing a new culture and being inspired by the beauty ... More
by Hanna, on
Culinary delights on vacation If you think of your your last vacation, what do you remember? Of course the accommodation, nature, people and … yes, food! ... More
by Hanna, on
Environmental sins – about mindfulness on vacation Most of us try to act environment-friendly in our daily life: we separate our waste, avoid plastic bags and ride the bike ... More